Android app rewritten from scratch with a modern software stack, replacing the old Cordova-based client
Projects & Contributions
Jellyfin Media Server
Score management system for tutorials
Software project for makandra
Backend for Niagara Launcher

Niagara Launcher
A modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
Main developer: Peter Huber (8bitPit)
QMK firmware
Open-source firmware for AVR and ARM based mechanical keyboards.
Contributions: various improvements, code review, personal keyboard configurations and documentation improvements (including translation).
HassDroid [abandoned]
Android N-ify [abandoned]
Xposed mod that backports features from Android Nougat to Android Lollipop and Marshmallow!
Contributions: Direct reply, Google Assistant, Partial screenshot, bugfixes, build server and issue management.
Main authors: MrWasdennnoch and paphonb
Always On AMOLED
App which makes your device show the time & more when the screen is "off", just like the Galaxy S7!
Contributions: Pocket mode, bug fixes, etc.
Main author: Tomer Rosenfeld
XMediaNotificationTrackSelector [abandoned]

hellsCode [abandoned]
XGPM [abandoned]

MaxLock [abandoned]
- Always On AMOLED
- Android N-ify
- hellsCore Kernel Manager
- Jellyfin Android
- MultiROM Manager
- Niagara Launcher
- XDA Feed/Labs
- S2 Music Player